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Hello and thank you so much for stopping by today. A little about myself: My name is Lisa; My husband Tim and I have been married for over 30 years. Together we have 5 wonderful adult children. Three were gifted to us biologically and the other two were chosen by our boys to be their wives. At home we have one fur baby.  His name is Webster and he rules the roost. 

By day I am a Construction Project Manager for Edifice in the Charlotte, NC market. By night, a professional hobbyist (I made that title up). In my spare time and when I’m not making memories with the kiddos you can find me dabbling in all sorts of creative mediums and projects. As a result, and because I can’t keep it all, for the last 5 years I have had a fun time moving some of my art, wood signs, home décor and personalized gifts through my Instagram, Facebook and by word of mouth. 

It has been a great outlet that allows me to be creative and share that creativity with friends and family. I also have a love for writing short stories that inspire others and a love for creative journaling. Most recently however, I have fallen in love with acrylic pour painting on canvas. My art is available here on the website as well as on display at Good Drip Coffee in Davidson, NC. My hope is that you will find the perfect gift and/or work of art to display on the perfect wall in your home or office. Even more so, my hope is that as you make your way through the website, you would take some time to read the stories attached to some of paintings and stop in and read through the blog on WordPress Blog and/or join my Creative Journaling group on Facebook. 

My prayer in it all is that your heart is moved but mostly that you would know you are loved by the most perfect artisan, Jesus, who created you beautifully and with great purpose.

In His Love



In Love,


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